Recent work, Video

Recent work: First-person narrative video for Monash University

I had the pleasure to work on a first-person narrative video for Monash Education about Mokhamad Iksan, an alum making a difference in his local community in rural Indonesia.

When Mokhamad Iksan won a scholarship to Monash to complete his Masters Degree he vowed he would use his knowledge to help his rural community in Malang, Indonesia. Iskan is the founder of EQuIC, a non-profit foundation designed to improve the quality of education in rural areas.

This was shot over a weekend on a tight budget and edited quickly afterwards.

All ready for the interviewee!
Behind-the-scenes, Photography

Today’s office: Jakarta, Indonesia

I am shooting photo and video for an international client in a 5-star hotel in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. This assignment involved a lot of planning and pre-production to make sure the setup is right and everything runs smoothly today. The assignment included multi-camera, continuous recording of a live event with 100+ people and several interviews.

All ready for the interviewee!

All ready for the interviewee!

Updates, Video

Recent work: Multimedia piece for Oxfam Australia

Recently I shot a photo story for Oxfam Australia in Lombok, Indonesia. I also edited the images as a multimedia slideshow, including additional video footage and audio recordings.

It is always interesting to work with multimedia and to see how certain photos, that might not be powerful enough to be used individually, take a strong role once they get added to a sequence.


Professional photographer in Indonesia

I recently renewed my professional membership in the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) and the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA).

I am the only professional photographer who is a member of these organizations in Indonesia.

While these two organizations are based in the US and their services are mostly oriented to photographers working stateside, I think it is worth it to pay the membership dues to support their work towards protecting copyright and other collective interests.

I set high standards for my work and my service, so being a member of these organizations helps me to continually improve my skills. I also subscribe to both organizations’ codes of ethics (ASMP’s & NPPA’s).

There might be many people out there claiming to be photographers, but how professional are they? They might be unreliable or simply disregard basic ethical standards while working on a story.

You can remove uncertainty out of the equation when you work with a certified professional photographer and video producer. Let’s work together!

Jakarta governor Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo (standing, right), the presidential candidate of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), poses for a photograph with his wife Iriana after casting his ballot at the polling station in Taman Suropati in Menteng, Central Jakarta, on July 9, 2014. Indonesia is the world's third-largest democracy and home to around 240 million people. The elections on July 9, 2014 mark the third direct presidential elections since former dictator Suharto was overthrown in 1998. (Rodrigo Ordonez)

It’s crowded out there! (Copyright: Rodrigo Ordonez)

Keep calm -- it's Ramadhan
Photography, Updates

Ramadhan starts in Indonesia

Today marks the beginning of the month of Ramadhan, holy to Muslims around the world, including about 200 million Indonesians. For a month, followers of Islam fast from dawn until sunset.

As the bright lights of this Jakarta mall reminded, if you’re feeling hungry (and/or cranky, they usually go together), just keep calm and carry on.

Keep calm -- it's Ramadhan

Keep calm — it’s Ramadhan
